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Happy birthday in Nasca

I celebrated my birthday in Nasca, wow, 15 years old already!...;-)

I'm so famous in Peru that they have decided to choose 28th of July as the national day. Isn't it nice?...:-) So for my birthday, were organized parties with music, fireworks and cheers with a lot of beer..

As it was school holidays, Rossillo, my friend from Chincha, brought me with her to visit her family in Nasca. So we celebrated and cut the cake together.
It was the opportunity for me to discover a few strange traditions. First, after blowing the candle, they ask you to bite the cake and, of course, they push the cake on your face until your nose is full of cream... Very nice for the one who will eat this piece with "nose print"...
Then, for drinking, only one glass is used. At first I thought that it was because of lack of glasses, but it's more an excess of conviviality...
And it's like a ritual:
1. Take the bottle of beer and fill up the glass,
2. Pass the bottle to the next one,
3. Drink rapidly your glass,
4. Very important: Empty the few remaining drops and foam on the floor,
5. Pass the glass to your neighbor.
What a conviviality, they share beer and germs!

After following all the traditions, we went dancing salsa and cumbia at the firemen party next door. Until very late in the night...

That's it, I'm older now!


Anonymous said...

Happy birthday teenager!! We follow your travel blob eagerly and hope to see you soon to hear about your world exploration and more great adventures. Cheers, Manu

There is no Plan B said...

HAPPY BIRTHDAY my beautiful young friend

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